Thursday, August 11, 2022

Lee Min Ho won "Best Actor" at the 19th Annual Gold Derby TV Awards 2022 | 20220811

On the 11th of August (Pacific Time), Actor Lee Min-ho took two gold medals at the US 2022 Gold Derby TV Awards!

Lee Min-ho won the "Best Drama Actor" and the "Breakthrough Performer of the Year" awards. In additional, "Pachinko" also won the "Best Drama Series".

Apple TV+ Original Series "Pachinko" and to Koh Han-su, who starred Lee Minho, we look forward to your continued interest in the future.

Please look forward to the various aspects of actor Lee Min-ho, who will continue to make unparalleled moves.

Congratulations Lee Minho for winning at the 19th Annual Gold Derby TV Awards 🥳🥳🥳🎉🤍.



  1. Dobrý deň
    Gratulujem k úspechom. Pán Lee Min Ho je veľmi šikovný a najúžasnejší na celom svete. Všetko čo robí, robí s láskou, s radosťou, zodpovednosťou a je vidno, že ho práca baví a robí ju veľmi dobre, so srdcom. Je neskutočne talentovaný človek. Teším sa vždy z jeho úspechov a veľmi mu fandím. Prajem mu ešte veľmi veľa úspechov v práci i v osobnom živote. Svojou existenciou prináša ľuďom radosť, pocit spokojnosti. Bodaj by svet mal viac takých výnimočných ľudí ako je pán Lee Min Ho. Jednoznačne patrí medzi najlepších z najlepších umelcov na svete. V jeho podaní každá úloha zanechá nezabudnuteľný zážitok u divákov. Svojou charizmatickou osobnosťou vkladá do jednotlivých úloh to svoje jedeninečné ja, jemu vlastné. Už mnohokrát dokázal, že mu nerobí problém zahrať rôzne typy úloh, či negitívnych alebo pozitívnych postáv. Angažovanie pána Lee Min Ho do filmov je zárukou dobrého filmu! Umelcovi prajem, nech vždy jeho pôosobenie zanechávalo u divákov hlboký dojem a nezabudnuteľný zážitok. Istým spôsobom dáva ľuďom krídla a pocit dôležitosti a významnosti. Ďakujem mu za to. Nech ho Boh žehná. Nech Boh žehná jeho rodine a jeho krásnej krajine, Kórei.
    S pozdravom a úctou Monika Vaňová zo Slovenska.

  2. Congratulations and God bless u always❤️❤️❤️

  3. Congratulations on your achievements 💐 ❤️🥰

  4. Lee Min Ho deserves every award he is nominated for!!!❤️❤️❤️

  5. He deserve. He is the best. Congrats my King. 👑👑❤❤

  6. Congrats LMH👏👏👏 You're indeed a great actor....that can't be denied👏👏
    To God be the glory 🙏🙏🙏

  7. Big congratulations, for the first time a negative role and immediately with success

  8. Congratulations you deserve this award you very the best actor and super great actor i'm so proud of you and happy for you

  9. Congratulations to our best actor🏆👏👏👏

  10. He deserves it very much. I only know a few actors who can play with their looks as well as he can. Although he can never deny the basis of his character, he represents his roles with a very strong expression and authenticity.

  11. Congratolation you deserves it very much you are very talented gentleman handsome 💖💖💖

  12. Even if you don't ever noticed me, I will keep cheering you on no matter where you go ❤️‍🩹💝 congratulations 🎉

  13. Congratulations,keep up the good work💖

  14. Congratulation on your wonderful work and dedication to your talent not forgetting the handsome gentleman who captures every ones heart 💓 in many more ways even me

  15. It's so sad when you see the number of Saga Award nominations for PACHINKO. It's incomprehensible

  16. Wow awesome congratulations to you LMH. A job well done another achievements and accomplishments in your CAREER path way of life.

  17. Congratulations Lee Min Ho.

  18. Praise God for answering our requests 🙏 🙏 job well done, dear friend Lee Min Hoo. CONGRATS

  19. 🎊🎈🎉Congratulations Mr Hansu 😊🎉🎈🎊

  20. ミンホさん、やったね❣️おめでとうございます🎉🎉🎉

  21. Congratulations job well done you deserve the award so proud of you❤

  22. Yay..!.. 😍..You're So Great.. ! ..👏🌹.. Congratulations My Lovely Oppa ! 🎉💞🌹💗🎉..

  23. Congratulations
