Friday, April 07, 2017

KStyle Japanese Interview with Lee Min Ho

The broadcast of the "Legend of the Blue Sea" that Japanese fans waited for long time has began. "It was fun to be transformed into various occupations," Actor Lee Min Ho reveal his background that he appeared in his book, played Heo Joon Jae, watching points and so on.

From March, broadcasting of "The Legend of the Blue Sea" has started in Japan CS Satellite Theater, but please explain the impression that this work will be broadcasted in Japan and the drama easily.

"The Legend of the Blue Sea is officially broadcasted in Japan and I am very glad to hear that many people will see it. This work is a story of romantic love starting from a long margin between a genius cheater and a mermaid. Beyond the past and the present, as love strengthens between Heo Joon Jae and mermaid, the episode that appears is interestingly developed.”

What made you decide to appear in this film?

LMH: “The setting of the story of a genius fraudster and a mermaid and the characteristics of the genre of fantasy romance were very interesting. Also, it is a great reason why you can work with Park Ji-eun writer and Chin Hyuk, director Jeong Ji Hyong.
Prosecutor, pilot ... I got an interesting experience while acting."

What kind of person is Heo Joon Jae played by Lee Min-ho?

LMH: Heo Joon Jae is a character genius scammer from MENSA (a group with the top 2% IQ) and is a character that prepares thoroughly by calculating for just one fraud. It is pilot's clothing, costumes are arranged according to occupation, changing the way of speaking and behavior according to occupation, it is a 100-war fraudster who uses everything perfectly. Therefore, he considers a fraudster as a proper job as it is, he is a person with only a career consciousness and his ethical awareness.

What is the difficult point of playing Heo Joon Jae who seems to be a prodigy, a pilot, etc. and transforms himself into any occupation anywhere and anytime anywhere?

LMH: There was nothing particularly difficult to do while performing acting. Instead, I was able to transform into a variety of occupations that I had never contacted before, so I had an interesting experience while acting.

If a mermaid really appears before Lee Min-ho! What do you want to do first?

LMH: I really have to check whether tears change to pearls (laugh)

Please tell me the name scene or name speech that Lee Min-ho is the most memorable in the play.

LMH: Looking back after finishing the work, once again thinking, one by one scene is all remembered in memory. Everything was a meaningful scene and the memory of those days I was shooting again will come back. Joon Jae who lost memory in the early stage, scenes that I met with mermaids in aquarium are still in memory and the underwater photography scene is also remembered. I also remember the ending scene of the Joseon era especially when I am having a sad last.

"The Legend of the Blue Sea" is a drama that goes between the historical drama and the contemporary drama, was there any difficulty while playing the past Tamurion and the modern Joon Jae?

LMH: Heo Joon Jae and Dam Ryeong are a single person, but there was a difference in how each expressed their own emotions through the past and the present age. Also, in the past and the present age, the change of emotions advances quickly, so Joon Jae and Dam Ryeong focused as much as possible to maintain a line of different feelings.

"Legend of the Blue Sea" was highly evaluated that actors' Kemi (chemistry change of acting) was fantastic, how was the atmosphere of the shooting site? Please tell me if you have interesting episodes during shooting.

LMH: It was a cold winter season during shooting of the drama, but I think that the staff were also really struggling because there were a lot of underwater scenes and outdoor scenes. Nevertheless, the atmosphere at the scene was bright and pleasant from the beginning. I also feel that I got a lot of energy while photographing thanks to the atmosphere of the site.

Hallyu star as well as their appearances, they gathered big topics, but what was the impression that Jun Ji-hyun played alongside?

LMH: I was honoured to be able to co-star in "The Legend of the Blue Sea" because I was a senior who wanted to join us all the time.

Please tell me the scenes and viewing points you would like to recommend to Japanese audiences expecting "The Legend of the Blue Sea".

LMH: I think that it would be interesting if you would expect me to see what kind of con artist he would turn into.

He added, "If there is a good opportunity, I would definitely like to visit Japan again."

Lee Min-ho's expectation will also increase for his next work, but please tell me about your future plan of action.

LMH: I made fan meetings in Korea a while ago. And I am discussing the schedule I was interrupted for a while with drama shooting. In March, the single "Always by LEE MIN HO" was released.

A lot of fans in Japan are waiting for Mr. Lee Min-ho, but do you have an activity plan in Japan?

LMH: I had the opportunity to meet Japanese fans every time the work ended, but unfortunately I could not make such a time. If there is a good opportunity, I would like to answer your question.

Broadcast information:
"The Legend of the Blue Sea" (original title)
At the CS satellite theater, Japan's first broadcast started on Wednesday, March 29
Every week (Wednesday) 11:00 pm - late night 1:30 (two consecutive episodes broadcast).


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