Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Lee Min Ho for Cosmopolitan Korea April 2017 Issue

Here is the interview of Cosmopolitan Korea to Lee Min Ho.

I only translated it through google. Hope it works.

Dreamy man, 이민호
A field of reeds with lonely aura, an empty building, a desolate vacant lot. I met an actor Lee Min Ho who has a dreamy face in it. 

I'm about to release a new single album. Even if it's not a singer, it's a service for fans to announce the full album, right? This album is an actor, and as a Korean-American star, what is the compilation album of Lee Min Ho? 
It is not an album that I tried to contain such a big commitment or ambition. haha. In fact, I keep making albums, but there are more people I do not know than people I know. An album is one way for me to communicate with fans. In that sense, it has been released steadily. The theme of this album 'always' means 'always, always, together'.

I knew that I was making donations and charity activities while running a donation platform called 'Promiz'! I'm going to establish a 'promise'. Did you have any specific moment to decide?
I also have my fans in the background of the birth of 'Promiz'. Fan club fans have been doing a lot of things since the beginning. I have watched for many years the kind of donations that have made in my name, and I have looked back at those who are socially marginalized and who are in a difficult position. I think those thoughts have gotten deeper and deeper. It is even more so when you encounter big events and societal issues. I thought that I would like to be able to continue sharing beyond simple donations of one-off items. So 'Promiz' was born.

In The Legend of the Blue Sea, Lee Min Ho 's fateful performance was a hot topic. In the meantime, I was mostly new and attractive because I was mainly in charge of characters who were taciturn, gentle, or had something painful. Can you think that it is close to usual daily image of Lee Min Ho?
I think it would be right to describe my own character as a collection of characters. Even if I think of myself, I feel like I'm getting moody, and sometimes I feel more mature than I am. Anyway, because there is such a grudge and playfulness in me, I seem to be able to take out such scenes naturally and to postpone.

How do you immerse yourself when you are playing a spoken dialogue? It may be too easy for an actor, but for the viewer, there are also ambassadors who think 'I am! Especially, I am wondering how Lee Minho who is a 'Mongbyeonsa maker' copes with such a complaint.
That's right. You should take a deep breath once. Once you start to laugh and start to laugh, it becomes increasingly difficult to postpone ... . Now I'm getting used to it, but the ambassadors and circumstances are still strange. At that time, I concentrate on emotions rather than ambassadors as much as possible.

Actually, Lee Min Ho's performance spectrum is not so narrow, but I can feel the loss of the performer because the afterimage of the big Rocco character is strong.
I think that is the part where I must overcome and exploit. If you are an actor who has shown a lot of character in the 20th century, I think you should be able to present your potential in another area. So, I'm trying to find a way to find out what Lee Min-ho is doing. I have been living in a controlled and regulated life for so long, and now I try to find the image of Lee Min Ho as it is.

So, what would it look like if I described the ordinary life of Lee Min-ho in a day without a schedule?

How much? I think this word will go a little bit. Haha.

Thank you for your honest answer. haha. Cosmo is a medium that thinks love is one of life's important values. So the question about love does not fall. I want to ask about what kind of ideal love Lee Minho thinks.
The ideal image of love that I think is a relationship that can have a positive effect on each other. It is a love that can create positive energy in every part of life or in the life of each other through the sense of security provided by the feeling of love. But I do not think I need to change through love or accomplish something. I think it is also important to keep what it is. I want to see what my opponent is doing without adding or subtracting something, and I want to show myself as it is.

What if it is a situation where you have to sacrifice yourself for the person you love, like in the Little Mermaid, which became the motif of the <Blue Sea Legend>. What choice do you think you will make? Do you lose yourself to protect your opponent? Or trying to accomplish your love no matter what?
In the end, the love story in the drama has a similar context. Purity, passion, sacrifice for love. In order to keep these values. It may be too difficult in reality, but if I were in the same situation as in The Blue Sea Legend, it would have been the best choice I could make to keep my love.

What do you want to be? The word 'star' or 'good actor' can not be explained.
I want to be a "person with a charm" in any direction. As an actor and as a human being. I want to be happy and happy with myself and with many people.

Are you happy now? What moment is 'now' to Lee Minho?
Well, I think it's time for a moment of great happiness in my life. The happiness made me harder and gave me room to spare. I am happy now but I will try to find various happiness that will make me richer in the future.

If you are given the ability to change just one thing in the world now, what would you like to change?
I want to unify the language of the world into one thing. Would not it be a world where a lot more interesting things happen.


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